Contact Details:
MARLBOROUGH 840 Wairau Bar Rd, Spring Creek, Blenheim, P O Box 154, Blenheim
President - Bruce Webb (021 2527 160) o.b.webb@xtra.co.nz
Shoot Secretary - Keith van Asch (021 825 348) keith@theoldbarn.co.nz
Please note: Lunch will be available on normal club days
9.30 Starts all year round.
NELSON WAIMEA 806 Valley Rd, Golden Downs, Tasman
President - Garry Dunn (027 206 4451)
Secretary – Jacqui Oldham nwctc.secretary@gmail.com
Please note: Lunches are not supplied. 9.30am starts all year round
GOLDEN BAY 77 Pupu Springs Road, Takaka
President - Jono Webb (027 681 0040)
Vice President – Tony Cottle (027 315 8511) gbgunclub@gmail.com
Please note: Lunches are not supplied. 9.30am starts all year round. Steel shot only.
Please contact Clubs directly for membership & shooting information.
12 Nelson
100 Compak. Practice traps open: Skeet practice (stations 1 to 5 only) and DTL
19 Golden Bay
5 Stand Sporting 100 targets
26 Marlborough
Mick Casey & Chatham Island Trophy, Quad shoot 50 Sk (1st Agg), 25 Continental, 15 Minis, 50 PS (Trans-Tasman Trophy)
9 Nelson
Club Championships: 10pr DR, 15 Minis, 25 SR, 25 PS, 25 SB.
16 Golden Bay
Sowman Trophy 100 Skeet
23 Marlborough
50 Sk Doubles, 30 Triples Champs, 25 HBD Champs, 25 Continental Champs, 15 pr D/R 1st Agg
9 Nelson
100 PS OR 100 Compak *shoot ONE event only. Skeet practice (stations 1 to 5 only)
16 Golden Bay
Longbush Trophy 100 DTL
23 Marlborough
Club Championships
30 Nelson
100 PS OR 100 Compak *shoot ONE event only. Skeet practice (stations 1 to 5 only) AGM to follow shot at 4pm.
13 Nelson
80tgt Duck shooters Open Shoot – 9am start
20 Golden Bay
Pre-Duck Shooting 5 stand Sporting 100 targets
27 Marlborough
Duck shooters 80 tgt Sporting. Lunch Available – MCTC Club grounds
11 Nelson
10pr DR, 15 Minis, 50 PS, Skeet practice (stations 1 to 5 only)
18 Golden Bay
Club Championships 25 Skeet, 25 DTL, 25 PS, 25 SB, 10prDR
25 Marlborough
Marshall Trophy Triangular Shoot, 50 Skeet, 50 Continental, 50 SR
31/ 1 Marlborough
Nelson/Marlborough Provincials hosted by Marlborough CTC
8 Nelson
100 SR OR 100 Compak *Shoot one 100tgt event only Skeet practice stations 1 to 5 only
15 Golden Bay
50 Skeet, 50 DTL
22 Marlborough
100 Skeet N/S (2nd Agg on first 50 tgts), 100 PS Trophy Match. (Choose One)
29 Nelson
Working Bee
13 Nelson
100 Compak OR 100 PS *shoot ONE event only. Skeet practice (stations 1 to 5 only)
20 Golden Bay
Gunsmoke Thomason Trophy 100 skeet
27 Marlborough
50 Skeet, (3rd Agg), 25 SR, 25 PS. 25, 15pr DR (2nd Agg)
10 Nelson
100tgt Compak Club Championships
17 Golden Bay
5 Stand Sporting 100 targets
24 Marlborough
50 Skeet (4th Agg), 30 Triples, 25 Continental, 15 pr DR (3rd Agg)
31 Nelson
15pr DR, 25 SB, 25 PS, 50 Compak (re-entry avail). Skeet practice (stations 1 to 5 only)
14 Nelson
15pr DR, 25 SB, 25 PS, 50 Compak (re-entry avail). Skeet practice from stations 1 to 5 only
21 Marlborough
100 skeet Handicap (Owen Bros) or 100 S/R, 25 Continental
28 Golden Bay
Ray Hitchcock Trophy 100 DTL
4 Nelson
25 Skeet, 15pr DR, 15 Minis, 25 SR
5 Nelson
District Champs 25 HCD, 30 Triples, 25 PS, 25 SB
11/12 Marlborough
Sat – 150 SR. (Noms close at noon) Sun - Marlborough District Champs
19 Golden Bay
5 Stand Sporting 100 targets
26,27,28 Nelson
Labour Weekend. Grounds hired out for annual youth camp - unavailable for use/attendance by club members.
9 Nelson
100tgt Sporting Club Championships
16 Golden Bay
50 Skeet, 50 DTL
23 Marlborough
50 Skeet, 50 HBD,25 PS, 15 pr D/R (4th Agg)
30 Nelson
50 Skeet, 15pr DR, 50 PS (2nd 25 tgts Hawkes Bay shield)
7 Golden Bay
Xmas Shoot
7 Nelson
Xmas Shoot. 10pr Deauville Doubles. 25 SR Xmas Cups. 25 Compak. Modified Skeet 25tgt G Hahn Memorial 2pm lunch (when shooting has been completed)
14 Marlborough
Xmas Shoot. Traps open 10.30am. Xmas Shoot Program starts 1pm BBQ & presentations to follow
Nelson: Over the Xmas period, NO shooting will occur on our grounds on & between 23 Dec & 5 Jan